40x50 house plan north facing


40x50 house plan north facing

In this article we are going to share 40x50 house plan north facing in 3bhk and with a big parking area and a lawn.

The plans that we are providing you are very different and unique designs and all of them area designed according to vastu shastra.

If you are hunting a good house plan according to vastu shastra then this is the right place for you.

40x50 house plan north facing 3bhk

It is a modern yet simple 40x50 house plan north facing 3bhk the total built-up area of this plan is 2000sqft. 

This plan has a big parking area, a lawn area and a porch area where you can park your vehicles and the staircase is also there.

At the start of the plan there is a porch and as we enter there is a drawing area where you can make a tv unit, place sofa set and other interior decoration. 

40x50 house plan north facing

Then a modular kitchen with modern features and a store room is also connected to the kitchen.  

And there is also a big living area where you can place a dining table an there is a common washroom also.

There are three bedrooms in this house plan and bedroom has it’s own washroom and these rooms are very spacious. 

40 x 50 house plan north facing with car parking

This is a modern yet simple 40 x 50 house plan north facing with car parking, the total built up area of the plan is 2000 sqft. 

The plan also has a large parking area, a lawn area where you can park vehicles and in the lawn you can do gardening.

At the start of the plan, there is a verandah and as we enter there is a drawing area where you can do sitting arrangements.

40x50 house plan north facing 3bhk

Then a modular kitchen and a store room. And there is also a big sitting area or you can use it as a dining area.

This house plan has three bedrooms and each bedroom has its own washroom and these rooms are quite spacious. 

And there is also a common washroom which can be used by all.

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